Helpful advice

Here you will find some helpful tips from musicians who use malzer-support.

Missing eyelet on the thumb rest

Instead of a ring on the thumb holder, the method shown in the picture can also be used.

Reinhold Malzer

Missing eyelet on the thumb rest

Since my thumb rest has no ring, I use a leather pad that came with my old BG neck strap. The leather pad can fit into the thumb rest and it has a small hole, that the hook of Zappatini strap can go through.

You can see the example at this link.

Dr. Rong-Huey Liu

Big movements

I use a small piece of double sided mounting tape and insert it inside of the vario adaptor. The purpose is so I can easily take it off. But at the same time, the malzer support stays on when I make big movements for cuing, where I would like to lift the oboe higher than the length of the support without losing the support on the vario.

Here is the link to the tape

Dr. Rong-Huey Liu

Put my oboe in an angle

I use orthodontist elastic rubber bands to hold the support in place. I like to put my oboe in an angle. Therefore the right corner is perfect which allows the oboe to move freely with the support. If I put it in the center, the dip of the curve, my oboe can’t be turned slightly which places the reed uncomfortably in my mouth.  To prevent the metal bracket from moving away from the corner, I use two elastic rubber bands to prevent the stick from moving into an undesirable spot.

Here is the link to the elastic rubber bands

Dr. Rong-Huey Liu